This app is designed for computer science engineering,b. tech, mca,bca,ms student & software professionals to learn Database questiones mostly asked during interview. Allmost all question from topics given below are covered in the app.
Introduction and applications of DBMS, Purpose of data base, Data, Independence, Database System,architecture- levels, Mappings, Database, users and DBA,Structure of relational databases, Domains, Relations,,Relational algebra – fundamental operators and syntax,,relational algebra queries, tuple relational calculus,Entity-Relationship model :Basic concepts, Design process, constraints, Keys,Design issues, E-R diagrams, weak entity sets,extended E-R features – generalization,specialization,aggregation, reduction to E-R database schema,Relational Database design :Functional Dependency – definition, trivial and non-trivial
FD, closure of FD set, closure of attributes, irreducible setof FD, Normalization – 1Nf, 2NF, 3NF, Decomposition,using FD- dependency preservation, BCNF, Multivalued
dependency, 4NF, Join dependency and 5NF,Query Processing & Query Optimization :Overview, measures of query cost, selection operation,sorting, join, evaluation of expressions,transformation of relational expressions, estimating,statistics of expression results, evaluation plans,materialized views,Transaction Management :
Transaction concepts, properties of transactions,serializability of transactions, testing for serializability,System recovery, Two- Phase Commit protocol,Recovery and Atomicity, Log-based recovery, concurrent,executions of transactions and related problems,Locking mechanism, solution to concurrency related,problems, deadlock, , two-phase locking protocol,Isolation, Intent locking,Security:introduction, Discretionary access control, MandatoryAccess Control, Data Encryption,SQL Concepts :Basics of SQL, DDL,DML,DCL, structure – creation,alteration, defining constraints – Primary key, foreign key,unique, not null, check, IN operator,Functions - aggregate,functions, Built-in functions,numeric, date, string functions, set operations, sub-queries,correlated sub-queries, Use of group by, having, order by,join and its types, Exist, Any, All , view and its types,transaction control commands – Commit, Rollback,Savepoint,PL/SQL Concepts :Cursors, Stored Procedures, Stored Function,Database,Triggers</br></br></br>